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Youth Winter Sports

Fort Gregg-Adams Youth Sports kicks off the winter sport season with basketball and cheerleading for our community's young athletes. 

Tiny Tots Basketball is designed to prepare your 18- to  35-months-old kids for organized basketball in a fun, non-threatening environment. The presence of a parent encourages the tiny tots to explore new experiences as they handle the basketball and prepare them for a lifetime enjoyment of athletics.

Smart Start Basketball is a developmentally-appropriate introduction to basketball for kids ages 3- and 4-years-old. This program prepares kids for the sport in a safe, fun and friendly environment. Cost: $25 per child.

 Youth Basketball is for kids ages 5- to 15-years-old.  This group will continue to discover the joy of basketball while polishing their skills and learning the the value of teamwork and the fundamentals of the game. Cost: $50 per child.

Cheerleading is for kids ages 5- to 15-years-old. Participants will learn various cheers, and chants (no stunting), and will enjoying cheering at the winter games. Cost: $50 per child.

THe Tiny Tots Basketball Season runs January 3 - 26, 2024; all other youth sports seasons run January 3 - March 2, 2024. Pratice sessions and games and will be held in the CYS gyms, with the occasional game scheduled in the Clark Fitness Center. All youth must be registered with Child and Youth Services (Parent Central Services) with an up to date physicals. For more information, call (804) 765-3852.

Registration Information

Registration runs October 2 - November 10.

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